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Million Aquatics

Red Tail Loach | Pair

Red Tail Loach | Pair

Regular price Rs. 160.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 160.00
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Aborichthys elongatus is a small specie with a relatively long body. The body itself has a white color with brown stripes. These brown stripes are, for some specimens, merged with each other. As a consequence, can these fish appear to be completely brown instead of striped. The finns are relatively small. The most noticeable of all fins is the caudal fin which is completely red. It also has a distinctive dark blotch on the upper part of its caudal fin.


n the wild Aborichthys elongatus inhabit hill streams. These streams consist of relatively cold, clear water. Moreover, the current in these streams is often rather strong. The substrate in its habitat consist of sand, gravel and rocks. Research in the river Siang showed that the actual temperatures differ seasonally. During the summer, temperatures range between 20 to 26 °C (68-78 °F). During these months, the water has a pH of 6.5 to 7.5. During the winter, the temperatures drop to 9 to 11 °C (48-52 °F). During this season the pH fluctuates between 6.0 and 7.5.



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