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Million Aquatics

Intan Bits

Intan Bits

Regular price Rs. 369.00
Regular price Sale price Rs. 369.00
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Intan Bits (Slow Sinking Crushable Crumble), a Highly Nutritious Ornamental Fish Food with 43% protein, is one of INTAN's crown jewels. This food is suitable for all types of fish including Discus, Danios, Barbs & Rainbows. The diet is nutritionally balanced to enhance the fish's natural vibrant colours & shape. Antarctic krill, an excellent source of sustainable protein, enhances the flavour & palatability of the food. Additionally, the Astaxanthin in the krill helps to develop the colours of the fish. Thanks to this wholesome formula, the animals experience healthy growth rates & increased immunity to disease.

- Uniquely balanced Discus feed with a blend of crumbled & granulated feeds that is crushable to any size
- Assures high water stability with crushable feed for fry to adults
- Contains Antarctic krill, a rich & sustainably procured protein source for added flavour & palatability
- Discus colours are enhanced through natural sources of Astaxanthin
- Slowly sinking granules for optimum feed intake

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