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Million Aquatics

Filament Barb | Pair

Filament Barb | Pair

Regular price Rs. 150.00
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Filament Barb (Barbodes filamentosus) is an attractive and active species of freshwater fish native to Southeast Asia. It is also known by other names such as the Longfin Barb or Threadfin Barb due to its distinctive long, flowing fins, particularly the extended rays of the tail and dorsal fin. These fish are relatively peaceful and are well-suited for community aquariums.


  • Coloration:

    • The Filament Barb typically has a silvery or light golden body, which gives it a shimmering, metallic appearance in the water.
    • The body can have a slight greenish or bluish tint, which is most prominent when the fish is in good health and under the right lighting.
    • The tail of the Filament Barb is particularly striking, with long, delicate filaments that extend from the tail fins, making the fish resemble a beautiful, flowing design in the aquarium. The dorsal fin and anal fins also have long, thread-like extensions.
    • Some individuals may exhibit subtle horizontal dark stripes or markings along the body, though the primary visual appeal lies in their elegant fins.
  • Size:

    • The Filament Barb typically reaches around 3 to 4 inches (7.5 to 10 cm) in length when fully grown. However, they may occasionally grow slightly larger in optimal conditions.
  • Body Shape:

    • The body is elongated and streamlined, with a slightly flattened head. The most distinctive feature of the Filament Barb is the long, flowing rays of the tail fin, as well as the extended dorsal fin rays. These filaments give the fish a graceful, almost delicate appearance.


  • Active and Peaceful:

    • Filament barbs are active swimmers that enjoy exploring the tank. They are generally peaceful and make excellent additions to a community aquarium.
    • They do well in schools of at least 5 to 6 fish, where they can feel secure and exhibit their natural schooling behavior.
  • Social and Interactive:

    • These barbs are quite social and will interact with other fish, making them enjoyable to watch. They are non-aggressive and typically peaceful with other species, though they might show some mild territorial behavior during feeding or breeding periods.
  • Diet:

    • Filament Barbs are omnivorous and will accept a wide variety of foods. They enjoy a balanced diet that includes high-quality pellets, flakes, and frozen or live foods such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, and daphnia.
    • They may also nibble on vegetation, such as blanched spinach, zucchini, or algae wafers.

Care Requirements:

  • Water Temperature: 74°F to 80°F (23°C to 27°C)

  • pH Level: 6.5 to 7.5 (neutral to slightly acidic)

  • Tank Size: A minimum of 30 gallons is ideal for a small school of Filament Barbs. Larger tanks provide more space and reduce stress, allowing these active fish to thrive.

  • Water Quality:

    • Filament Barbs require clean, well-filtered water to stay healthy. They prefer water with a moderate hardness level and a gentle to moderate current.
    • Regular water changes (about 25% per week) are essential to maintain water quality, especially if kept in a tank with several fish.
  • Tank Setup:

    • These fish enjoy having a tank with swimming space, as they are active and will use the entire vertical and horizontal space in the tank.
    • Plants and driftwood provide some hiding spots and create a more natural environment, though Filament Barbs prefer open swimming areas.
    • While they can tolerate a bit of current, it’s best to avoid excessive water flow. A good filtration system will help maintain water quality.


The Filament Barb is a visually stunning and active species that makes an excellent addition to a community tank. Its long, flowing fins and silvery body make it an eye-catching aquarium inhabitant. These peaceful and social fish thrive in schools and are relatively easy to care for, making them ideal for hobbyists with some experience. The Filament Barb's gentle nature and active swimming behavior make it an engaging and beautiful addition to any freshwater aquarium.



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